what business owners need to know about creating blog content that Google will love

Creating content that ranks highly in search engine results can be daunting for business owners. Understanding what works and doesn’t work when it comes to creating blog content is essential if you want your website to stand out from the competition and make an impact on potential customers. Unfortunately, many SEO agencies position themselves as wizards - rather than chefs and artists. While there are clearly components of website content optimization that may seem magical and are devoted entirely into hacking algorithms, the core concepts are pretty simple. Unfortunately, few search engine optimizers spend the time to communicate this properly to management. In this article, we’ll try to resolve that as we explore some key points business owners need to know about creating blog content that ranks well with search engines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly important over the past few years as more people turn to online searches for answers. Businesses who understand how SEO works have a much better chance of getting their websites noticed by those searching for products or services they offer. When done correctly, SEO helps get traffic to your website, helping boost revenue and potentially even increase brand recognition.


Creating content specifically designed for SEO requires knowledge of keyword usage, link building strategies, updating content regularly and other techniques. With so many elements involved in successful SEO tactics, it’s no wonder why business owners might feel overwhelmed when starting out with blogging. Fortunately there are steps one can take to create effective blog posts that rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs). This article will discuss these topics further so read on!

What Is Seo?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process used to improve how websites rank in search engine results. It involves various strategies, techniques and tools which are designed to help businesses make their content more visible on the web. SEO includes optimizing website structure, content, links, and other elements of a website so that search engines like Google or Bing can find it.

When done correctly, SEO helps business owners create content that ranks higher for relevant keywords and phrases in the organic search engine results pages (SERPs). This can lead to increased traffic from potential customers looking for products or services related to your company's offerings. To get started with SEO, it's important to understand some of the basics such as keyword research, link building and page optimization.

Businesses should also consider using specific tools like analytics software or keyword tracking applications when creating blog content that will effectively rank in SERPs. These types of tools can provide insights into what kind of content works best for different audiences and offer tips on how to optimize posts for maximum visibility. With the right strategy and knowledge, entrepreneurs can ensure their blog posts have the best chance at appearing prominently in SERP rankings.

In-House Content Creation Or Work With An Agency?

Business owners must decide whether to create content in-house or hire a content creation agency. It's important for business owners to assess their needs and budget before making this decision. I've been there as part of the team who leveraged six and seven-figure content creation budgets for large e-commerce companies and I struggle with this question every day while managing a network of blog and e-commerce sites today.

Creating blog content in-house requires a significant investment of time, money, and resources this is not a matter of simply "throwing a blog on your website". Business owners must have the necessary skills required to execute a content creation process from start to finish successfully. This includes researching topics, writing copy, editing drafts, creating visuals, etc. Furthermore, businesses must maintain quality control throughout the entire project.

On the other hand, hiring a content creation agency can be beneficial for those who do not have the expertise or resources needed for content creation or those who lack experience with developing a comprehensive strategy. Content agencies provide expertise in areas such as SEO optimization, keyword research and developing topic ideas relevant to potential customers. They also offer services such as graphic design and web page layout which makes it easier for businesses to reach their target audience more effectively. In addition, many agencies offer tips on how best to use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter so that businesses can leverage these channels to increase visibility online and attract new customers.

Therefore when considering whether or not to invest in professional content creation services several factors should be taken into consideration including budget constraints, available resources, level of expertise needed and desired outcomes.

High-Level Ranking Tactics To Ensure Your Blog Posts Rank Well

Creating content that ranks can be an intimidating challenge for business owners. After all, the competition in today's digital world is fierce and ranking well on Google requires a lot of effort and strategy. But with the right tactics, you can ensure your blog posts will rise to the top of search engine results pages.

Let's explore some high-level ranking tactics to help generate more traffic and visibility for your blog:

  • Utilize long-tail keywords throughout your post to drive organic search engine rankings. Think beyond single words; use phrases or questions that people are likely searching for when looking for information related to your topic.
  • Implement a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to each post by optimizing titles, headings, meta descriptions, images and other elements according to best practices outlined by Google and other major search engines. Keep up with trends so what you’re writing about is still relevant as algorithms change over time.
  • Develop an effective content optimization plan in order to increase engagement on posts across multiple channels. Consistently publish fresh content while promoting it through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to create a larger audience base. Also consider repurposing existing material into new formats such as infographics or videos if appropriate for maximum impact.

By following these strategies — coupled with quality research and compelling storytelling — you'll be able to ensure that your blog posts aren't just being seen but engaging readers in meaningful ways!

Seo Tools You Need To Invest In

Business owners need to invest in SEO tools if they want their blog content to rank. These tools can include keyword research, analytics tracking and content optimization. Investing in these tools will help business owners better understand what type of ranking strategies they should use as well as gaining insight into how successful those strategies are.

Keyword Research And Competitor Intelligence

These are some easy-to-use keyword research tools that business owners and SEO novices can use to help with initial keyword research to find topics to write about that may rank faster than others that you might think about initially. 

RankIQ - a keyword intelligence and content optimization tool that helps businesses uncover the topics and keywords their customers are searching for. With this tool, businesses can easily identify potential blog topics to write about and create content tailored to their target audience. RankIQ also provides actionable data to help optimize blog posts for search engine rankings. By leveraging this data, businesses can easily create content that ranks well in search results and drives more traffic to their website.

Answer The Public - a powerful search listening tool that helps businesses to uncover the questions and topics their customers are asking. It provides valuable insights into what people are searching for online, allowing businesses to create content that is tailored to their target audience. With Answer The Public, businesses can easily identify potential blog topics and keywords to use in their content marketing strategy. By leveraging this data, they can create content that resonates with their audience and drives traffic to their website.

AlsoAsked.com - a keyword research tool that helps businesses uncover troves of data related to their topics of interest. It uses Google's "People Also Ask" feature to show businesses the questions people are asking about their topic and how they are related. This allows businesses to prospect for topics to write about on their blog and gain insight into what questions people have about their industry or product. With AlsoAsked.com, businesses can easily find content ideas and create content that answers customers' questions.


Writing Tools and Services

While you can choose to outsource your entire content creation effort to an agency, here are some tools that can help you get started rapidly, without investing in an expensive SEO agency contract or hiring additional staff.

TextBroker - a content creation platform that connects businesses with professional freelance writers to produce high-quality written content, including blog posts, articles, and website copy. Businesses can use TextBroker to scale their content creation efforts for their blog by collaborating with an extensive network of professional writers who specialize in various industries and niches. This allows businesses to produce content that is well-researched, well-written, and optimized for search engines, helping to increase traffic to the website and generate leads. TextBroker also offers a range of features, such as API integration, content order management, and quality control measures, to streamline the content creation process and ensure the highest quality of content. By using TextBroker, businesses can leverage the skills and experience of professional writers to produce great blog content with their internal staff.

Jasper - an AI-powered writing assistant designed to help businesses produce high-quality written content efficiently and effectively. With Jasper, businesses can save time and resources on content creation by leveraging AI technology to assist their internal staff with their writing efforts. Jasper can provide suggestions on improving grammar, spelling, punctuation, and tone, ensuring that the content is of the highest quality. Additionally, Jasper can research and provide data-driven insights on various topics, helping internal staff create informative and well-researched content. By using Jasper, businesses can make the most of their internal staff's skills and experience while leveraging AI technology to optimize the content production process.

ZimmWriter - an AI content writing software for Microsoft Windows that helps businesses optimize their blog content. It uses the OpenAI platform to generate words and phrases based on user input, allowing businesses to quickly create high-quality written content. ZimmWriter also has a feature called Prompt Engineering, which allows users to input "magic commands" that can help them customize their content even further. With ZimmWriter, businesses can save time and money by automating their blog content creation process.


Optimization Tools

Creating great content is only the beginning, here are two inexpensive SEO tools that you will need to use to check your content for plagiarism as well as how easy it might be to be detected as AI generated content. While we fully embrace the idea of using AI writing tools to optimize you content creation efforts, I also find that AI content detectors tend to also identify poorly written content that should be be written so that it sounds more humans!

Originality.ai - an AI-powered content-checking platform designed to help businesses ensure the quality of their written content. Originality.ai uses a proprietary AI model to detect plagiarism and check for issues such as grammar and spelling mistakes, inappropriate language, factual inaccuracies, and other types of errors in the content. By leveraging AI technology, Originality.ai is able to quickly and accurately check for any potential errors in the content and provide detailed reports on the quality of the content. This ensures that businesses are producing high-quality blog content that will engage readers and maintain their trust. By using Originality.ai, businesses can make sure that their blog content meets the highest standards of quality.

Grammarly - a writing assistant tool that checks spelling, grammar, and punctuation and provides clarity, fluency, and vocabulary suggestions. With advanced algorithms and AI models, Grammarly can improve the quality and readability of written content, including blog posts. Businesses can use Grammarly to optimize their blog content by checking for grammatical errors, suggesting better word choices, and enhancing overall readability. The tool also provides insights into the tone of the content, ensuring it aligns with the company's branding and target audience. By using Grammarly to optimize blog content, businesses can improve their website's trustworthiness and authority, resulting in better search engine rankings and increased traffic.


Analytics Tools

Finally, you'll want to make sure you have a way to track what's going on with your content and what business results it is driving for you. Different tools will serve different needs here from monitoring search engine ranking for different keywords to how people interact with your content once they arrive on your website. Additionally, tools like Google Search Console will also help tell you if your content is even indexed at all!

Google Search Console - a free service offered by Google that helps businesses monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their website's presence in Google Search results. It provides tools and reports to measure your website's search traffic and performance, identify issues, and make sure your site is optimized for Google search. Businesses can use the Performance report in Google Search Console to track changes in their website's search position over time. This report shows the number of clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), average position, and other metrics related to how well your website is performing in search results.

Google Analytics -  is a powerful web analytics service offered by Google that helps businesses track and report website traffic. It provides detailed insights into user behavior, including page views, time spent on site, and more. With Google Analytics, businesses can monitor changes in search position for their blog post over time and make informed decisions about how to optimize their content for better performance. Additionally, it allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and gain valuable insights into customer behavior. By leveraging the data provided by Google Analytics, businesses can make informed decisions about how to improve their online presence and increase engagement with their customers.

Investing in SEO tools helps business owners create more effective blog posts that generate more engagement with their target audience while also increasing website visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Knowing which keywords yield the highest returns, understanding web traffic sources and optimizing content correctly will enable businesses to reach wider audiences faster than ever before.

Have An Objective For Every Piece Of Content You Create

Now that you are armed with the SEO tools needed to create blog content, it is important to understand why having an objective for each piece of content can be a game-changer when it comes to ranking your blog. Every business should have specific objectives when creating any content in order to make sure they get maximum engagement and visibility online. Here are three key points businesses should consider when setting objectives for their content:

  1. Know your target audience – Before starting on any new project or campaign, always identify who you’re trying to reach out to with the content. This will help determine how best to tailor the message in order for it to resonate with them.
  2. Set measurable goals – Having tangible goals helps ensure that whatever you do has clear results at the end of the day. Make sure these goals reflect what matters most to your business and its overall vision.
  3. Consider different mediums – While we are specifically discussing how to create blog posts that rank, written words don't exist in a vacuum. Think outside of just writing blog posts; videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks - all can play an important role in helping spread awareness about your business and engaging potential customers. Additionally, while each of those pieces of content may play a specific role in supporting different aspects of the conversion funnel ... there should be a strategy for how they work together. This will result in marketing synergies that Google will recognize and reward. It will also result in a better customer experience and higher conversion rate since they are working together for a specific goal - rather than competing with each other!

By following these simple steps and taking into account what’s right for your company, businesses can create effective content that attract visitors and rank well on search engines like Google. The goal is ultimately to provide valuable information while positioning yourself as an authority within your industry. It's time now to take action and implement this knowledge into practice!

Keywords And Topical Relevance Of Your Content

Creating content for your blog can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be! With the right strategies in place and a bit of effort, you'll soon find yourself ranking high on search engine results pages. To start strong, business owners need to focus on keyword research and topic selection as these are essential components when creating content that ranks.

When doing keyword research, make sure to identify words that potential customers may use to find information related to your business online. Once you've identified relevant keywords, you can use them throughout your post while optimizing other elements, such as headings and meta descriptions. This will help ensure your content is well-optimized and ranks higher in search engine results pages.

These are called "Entities" and may also be referred to as "NLP" terms and are essential to consider compared to the old days where you could stuff the article with your primary keyword. Today though, you need to have related words, variations of the keyword phrase, and even adjacent context to ensure you have high topical relevance.

If you're stuck trying to develop blog post ideas, think about what topics would be interesting and helpful for readers. When selecting a topic, consider its relevance to the products or services offered by your business. For example, if you own a pet shop, writing about different types of dog breeds could be an engaging idea for a blog post. Additionally, internal linking within posts can further boost their rankings – make sure not link irrelevant material as this could have negative implications for SEO performance!

Consider what your core customer would be interested in and how it relates to your products and services. 

  1. Tips for Selecting the Right Puppy For Your Home: A Guide to Finding The Perfect Pet
  2. 5 Essential Supplies You Need To Get Ready for Your New Puppy
  3. Taking Care of a Puppy 101: What All First-Time Dog Owners Should Know
  4. What To Expect When Bringing Home a New Puppy: A Guide for Pet Parents
  5. How To Socialize Your Puppy and Build Positive Relationships With Other Dogs

These blog post ideas for a pet shop are all directly relevant to someone who is shopping for a new puppy.

  1. How To Breed Dogs for Show, Work or Hunting Purposes
  2. Things to Consider Before Breeding Your Pet Dog at Home
  3. Understanding the Basics of Reptile Care and Maintenance
  4. Encouraging Good Behavior in Small Pets: Tips on Training Rodents
  5. Why you should adopt a dog from a shelter rather than a pet store.

While these topics may be interesting for pet owners, they ultimately don't support your objective if you are trying to attract people who want to buy a new puppy for their family.

In addition to those pages designed for conversion, you may want to invest in creating other blog posts that are typically relevant but are designed to attract links and be shared - even if they themselves don't convert highly.

  1. Exploring Working Dogs: What Types of Jobs Do They Perform?
  2. The History of Dogs in the Military, Police and Other Branches of Service
  3. Studying Detection Dogs: How Are They Trained And Used To Uncover Unknowns?
  4. Seeing-Eye Dogs: How These Special Canines Help Those With Visual Impairments
  5. Therapeutic Benefits Of Music Therapy For Canine Patients In Veterinary Care
  6. Understanding the Different Types of Assistance and Support Dogs
  7. Search & Rescue Dogs: How These Pups Save Lives Every Day
  8. Demystifying Mushing and Sled Dog Racing: What You Need to Know
  9. How Assistance Animals Benefit Humans With Psychiatric Disorders
  10. Shedding Light On The Obscure World Of Herding and Sheepdogs

These blog posts topics will help establish your expertise and Goole loves to reward subject matter experts!


Make Your Content Real And Relatable, Not Just Superficial

As business owners, you know that creating content for your blog is essential to ranking high in search engine results. In the previous section we discussed how keyword and topic relevance can increase rankings. Now let's look at creating content that is more than just superficial – make it real, relatable, and meaningful!

Creating realistic content will help draw readers into your blog posts. Ensuring your content feels tangible and authentic gives your writing an edge over other sites with less engaging or genuine topics. You want potential customers to connect with what you’re saying so they feel compelled to keep reading and even share it with their friends or family.

Writing relatable content helps establish trust between you and the reader. If someone can see themselves or their own experiences in what you write about then there’s a greater chance of them taking action such as making a purchase from your website or signing up for newsletters etc. 

  1. Use stories and humor and anecdotes to personalize your content.
  2. Connect with your audience by using words they understand and relate to.
  3. Focus on being insightful rather than just providing facts and data.
  4. Share personal experiences, challenges, and successes that you’ve experienced in life or business.
  5. Also, make sure that your website itself looks real - make sure to include social media links, address, phone number, and an about page

Meaningful content should be used whenever possible instead of including superfluous material that doesn’t really add any value. When people read through your blog post, they should come away feeling informed, enlightened, or inspired by what they've learned rather than simply being entertained by fluff pieces written solely for clicks or likes. Providing helpful information that resonates emotionally is key here - give readers something they can truly sink their teeth into!

Your goal when crafting blog posts should always be to provide entertaining yet informative pieces which are both realistic and relatable while ensuring all content has some meaning behind it beyond getting noticed online. Doing this will make readers more likely to subscribe, comment on posts, follow links back to your site, recommend others check out your work and ultimately become repeat visitors who convert into paying customers!

Don't Be Afraid To Edit Aggressively!

This is especially true when it comes to using AI written content. In fact, it is especially true for content that may have been initially created by AI writing tools. No matter how good your brief was initially, during the editing process you may find that you want to expand on a topic inside of a specific subsection - even though you have an already acceptable area later in the post that was already written.

Make sure to edit for HUMAN READERS and if that means deleting entire paragraphs and sections ... do it!


Monitor Your Content

Business owners need to monitor the blog content they create. Content monitoring involves tracking how well your content performs so you can make changes and improve it if needed. Here are 3 ways to get started:

  1. Monitor website analytics data – Keep track of page views, bounce rates, visitor numbers and other metrics that give insight into your posts' success.
  2. Track social media engagement – See which posts receive the most likes, shares, comments, or retweets to determine what type of content resonates with readers.
  3. Utilize a blog monitoring tool – This will help you keep an eye on all your blog posts in one place and ensure that no post goes unnoticed by viewers.

Regularly monitoring your blog content through these methods allows businesses to identify trends and see what works best when creating content that ranks highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). This way, you can maximize visibility online and boost organic traffic to your site in the long run. With regular content tracking and analysis, businesses can stay ahead of their competitors and remain at the top of SERPs rankings for years.

Continue To Optimize

Creating content for your blog isn't a "one and done" effort. You should plan to budget for ongoing efforts to update and refresh old content continually. Once you have created blog content and optimized it for SEO, you need to continue optimizing the content to improve its ranking. Regular updates will ensure that your content remains relevant and of high quality. You can also use various tools like keyword research and analytics software to help identify opportunities for optimization.

To keep track of how well your content is performing, monitor important metrics such as page views, organic traffic, time on site etc. This data can give you valuable insights into which topics resonate with readers and where improvements can be made. Additionally, regularly audit your existing posts and update older pieces of content if necessary.


Don't Forget To Include A Call To Action!

No matter how much traffic your blog post is, without an effective CTA (Call To Action), even the most well-written content will fall short.

Creating a successful CTA starts with understanding your target market and what resonates best with them. This could be anything from offering value through discounts or freebies to creating urgency around time bound offers. Once you have identified the right approach for your business, implementation is key. Crafting an effective CTA requires considering placement on page, length of copy, design elements such as color contrast and font size, etc., and other tactics like using A/B testing to optimize performance.

It may also be as simple as placing a lead-generating box inside the content vs as a bar across the top. Different tactics will work better for different organizations, so you will need to experiment with this a bit to figure out what works for your business.


You Don't Need To Be A Coder To Understand SEO!

Most business owners know that they "need web traffic" and they see SEO as a way to acquire that in an affordable manner. However, too often any discussion related to SEO gets bogged down into mubo jumbo that is difficult for the uninitiated to understand. We've been doing SEO and content marketing for businesses ranging from top internet retailers to small independent businesses and we get it. Sorting through the BS is a challenge we have as well since every day we get a different SEO company pitching us on crazy new ideas.

Some will work, some don't. We love to experiment. 

However, we also understand that a business owner needs to have a good high-level understanding of what goes into the content creation and SEO marketing effort in order for her to approve the budget to make things happen.

Hopefully, this article helped to do that!